APCM 2025
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) for St Nicolas will be held on Monday 31st March 2025 in the church at 8pm. It will be immediately preceded by the Annual Parishioners Meeting at which we choose our Wardens for the coming year.
All the notices and other information for the APCM will be included on this page as they are issued.
There are a number of roles to be filled this year as set out below. If you feel that you might be able to take one of these and wish to know more please do get in touch with our Rector, Alan Jenkins (alan.jenkins@stnicolasbookham.org.uk or 01372 635873) or with our PCC Secretary, Amanda Rowland (pcc.secretary@stnicolasbookham.org.uk or 07702 678480).
If you are willing to take a role please would you let Alan Jenkins or Amanda Rowland know as soon as possible as this helps us greatly in managing the process and filling all the available roles.
The Nomination form for the role of churchwarden can be downloaded here. A churchwarden will also be a member of the PCC.
Elected PCC Member
The Nomination for PCC membership can be downloaded here. For further information about what the role entails please do speak to Alan Jenkins, Amanda Rowland or a current member of the PCC (select this link for a list of PCC members). The Role Description for PCC members can be viewed here and gives detail about the nature of the role in the life of the church and some formalities which would need to be completed in order to serve on the PCC.
All those who are chosen to fulfil the roles set out above will need to be able to make the declarations contained in the two forms which can be viewed here. These are formal requirements which need to be met (Trustee Eligibility and HMRC Fit and Proper Person Declaration). Amanda Rowland as PCC Secretary will be pleased to answer any questions you may have in relation to these.
Electoral Roll
This year a completely new electoral roll is being prepared. The period for applications runs until 12th March at which point no further applications can be made until after the APCM. Further information about this can be found by selecting this link.
APCM Documents
The APCM documents for the meeting will be added here when they are available.